Saturday, April 27, 2013

A Different Path Indeed

After much pondering and deliberation I have finally gotten around to starting this blog. My hope and goal is to have a place to share my thoughts, ideas, musings, creations and the adventures I share with my little hobbits. But in truth I ramble a lot....and I'm often extremely random. Hey, at least I was honest and warned you!

In this space I hope to share our family's journey towards becoming a simpler people who live closer to the Earth and have a deeper connection with Nature. On my mind currently is our need to have a healthy and engaging daily rhythm and ways I can stimulate the imaginations and creativity in the children I care for and nurture.

My beliefs lean towards being very inspired by the Waldorf education model and lifestyle but with a twist as we are a Christ centered family. So my job is to create a natural and earthy home that first and foremost glorifies Jesus as our Savior.

In all honesty this is so drastically different than what I  hadexpected to become as a woman and a mother. Frankly in my former life I was very high maintenance and extravagant (although I pretend I was also very glamorous) however as I have progressed in who I am becoming and especially since becoming a mother I am finding myself shifting my focus and desires, those things that occupy my mind and spirit.  A lot has changed in my life and who I've become and I thought I would chronicle the things I encounter along my path.....My unexpected journey indeed!


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